First announcement of the EurAdopt Conference 2016
Theme of the Conference
Relevance of adoption
Improving the life for children who cannot live with their family
The 1st and 2nd of June 2016 |
Utrecht, The Netherlands |
We would like to invite everyone working in the field of adoption and/or child welfare-to the
EurAdopt Conference 2016. We will discuss the relevance of adoption nowadays. This Conference
aims to describe the contemporary environment in which intercountry adoption is a last option for
children who cannot live in their biological family. It aims to discuss adoption, but not without the
primary parties concerned; the adoption triangle. Participants representing the adoption triangle will
play an active role at the Conference. Adoptees will prepare propositions and interactive discussion
will be an important part of the program. During the Conference the participants will be consulted on
their opinions through a conference app on their smartphone, by which they can vote.
Practical information about the conference, including accommodation, as well as instructions on how
to register will be published in January 2016 on this site.
The estimated fee for the conference will be € 250, including lunch and 1 dinner. This fee does not
include accommodation.
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