Update of Membership
The Council of EurAdopt has accepted two new organisations as members of EurAdopt.
We warmly welcome Association les Amis des Enfants du Monde (AEM) from France and Eltern für Kinder Österreich (EfKÖ) from Austria, who joined EurAdopt as of 1 January 2015.
The Council of EurAdopt has accepted the resignation from EurAdopt of two organisations that have ceased their activity as accredited bodies, namely FFIA (Sweden) and Stichting Afrika (the Netherlands). This is yet another sign of the difficult times that intercountry adoption currently faces. Both organisations have expressed their willingness to continue working in the adoption field for adoptive families and the Council of EurAdopt is now working to find a way of officially maintaining a link with the organisations as they can no longer be official members due to lack of accreditation to carry out intercountry adoptions.
The Danish organisations Danadopt and A-C International Child Support have, following a decision by the Danish Central Authority, merged and now form Danish International Adoption (DIA). See www.nordicadoption.org for the details in English. Lars Ellegaard, former vice-President of Danadopt and EurAdopt Council member, is the new DIA president and Kim Pedersen, former President of AC International Child Support, is DIA vice-president. The executive director is Robert Jonasen and the deputy director is Jeanette Larsen. DIA will be the new Danish organisation represented in EurAdopt.
EurAdopt now consist of 25 member organisations from 13 European countries. With the two new members joining EurAdopt there are now two member organisations representing France and as well as one new member country (Austria) within EurAdopt.